Where we are

Where we are

We are in Vigna di Valle!

More precisely in:
Via Lungolago delle muse 12
00061 Anguillara Sabazia (RM)

– From the north: A1 motorway or via Flaminia; exit at Magliano Sabina (about 50 km from Rome) towards Civita Castellana, Nepi, Via Cassia bivio Trevignano, junction Anguillara.

– From via Aurelia or highway A12 to Cerveteri (30 km before Rome) direction Bracciano, then to Anguillara.

– From Rome (Grande Raccordo Anulare) towards Cassia Bis or Viterbo exit Cesano junction, Osteria Nuova, Anguillara direction Bracciano for 3,500 Km.

Journey time: 30/45 minutes from Rome

[:it]Scopri le nostre tariffe e prenota il tuo soggiorno[:en]Discover our rates and book your stay[:de]Entdecken Sie unsere Preise und buchen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt[:]

[:it]Casa mobile, camper, caravan, tenda? Per te sempre un prezzo speciale[:en]Mobile home, campers, caravans, tent? For you always a special price[:de]Mobilheim, Wohnmobile, Wohnwagen, Zelt? Für Sie immer ein Sonderpreis[:]

[:it]Vai alle tariffe[:en]Go to the rates[:de]Zu den Preisen[:]