Anguillara Sabazia

Anguillara Sabazia

Anguillara Sabazia is a beautiful town located about 30 km from Rome and overlooks Lake Bracciano, 3 ° to the extent of the lakes of Central Italy.

Its birth dates back to the republican period of ancient Rome, from a rich Roman patrician family.
Noteworthy are:

  • The Church of the Collegiate, located at the highest point of the promontory where it dominates the whole country from above;
  • The Church of St. Francis of the ‘400;
  • The Church of Our Lady of Graces, strategically located on the lakeshore, famous for the fresco of Our Lady and Child;
  • The Medieval Tower, now home to the Museum of Peasant Civilization and Popular Culture;
  • The sixteenth-century Gate, dominated by the Clock of the Square, which allows access to the “old town”;
  • The Palazzo Comunale;
  • The Water Source Claudia, a source of natural effervescent water

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